A larmer tree gardens wedding picture story

Mima & Mike’s wedding was at one of my favourite venues. The staff at The Larmer Tree Gardens on the Wiltshire, Dorset borders are pro’s and the place is charm itself. It obviously helps if the bride and groom and their guests know how to have a very good time. And they really did. The fun including a surprise large scale game of rounders that finished as night fell. It was appropriately won at the last moment by Mima’s team and she was carried shoulder high back in to her reception where a fabulous salsa band played on in to the night. See ‘My approach’ for a fuller description of the rounders pictures, which made a kind of lovely stand alone photo story within the action of the wedding day picture story was a whole. Some highlights of a very memorable day are below.

If you like what you see, and fancy finding out more about the photography I could produce for you, I’d love to hear from you..